RATING OF UNICORN UNIVERSITIES IN Q4 2020We decided to go further and show Top Universities by the amount of money raised and increase in unicorn value.Mar 18, 2021Mar 18, 2021
Unicorn Nest Dataset on Product HuntThe main routine of each entrepreneur is to grow their business into a global company. It requires dedication, focus, and mobilization of…Apr 29, 2020Apr 29, 2020
$1 billion: The new cargo cultTrying to understand whether modern venture environment has so much in common with savagesJul 1, 2019Jul 1, 2019
What investors are ready to pay for, and what they are not ready to pay forIn the 10 years-period the number of new startups founded per year has grown 10–15 times. Wow!Jun 20, 2019Jun 20, 2019
Unicorn insights. Fact #9Clusterization of Funds at different stages of Unicorn investmentsMay 21, 2019May 21, 2019
Published inFuture VisionUnicorn insights. Fact#5Difference between countries while comparison amounts of the Unicorns and the Funds which invested in UnicornsApr 16, 2019Apr 16, 2019